How to Implement an Inclusive Education?

 Farah Faridatul Hasanah _215110507111031_10

What is inclusive education? All-inclusive or inclusion means "the act of including someone or something as part of a group, list, etc., or person or thing that is included” (Cambridge Dictionary). From the definition of inclusion, we know that inclusive education is about education that is inclusive for all, with the non-disabled and the disabled (including those in need of “special education”).

So the conclusion is inclusive education is a system which needs to adapt to include disabled people. The education system must recognize that it creates barriers for learners with disabilities, for example when parts of the school are inaccessible. Schoolchildren and students with disabilities may need adjustments and support to gain access to the curriculum.

An estimated 93 million children worldwide live with disabilities. Like all children, children with disabilities have ambitions and dreams for their future. Like all children, they need quality education in order to develop their skills and reach their full potential. Nevertheless, children with disabilities are often overlooked in policy-making, which limits their access to education and their ability to participate in social, economic, and political life. Globally, these children are among the children who are most likely not to go to school. They face persistent educational barriers stemming from discrimination, stigma, and the routine failure of decision-makers to integrate disabilities into school services.

Inclusive education begins with the assumption that all children have a right to be in the same educational space. To implement Inclusive Education in this country, there are myriad ways to do: 

  1. Make aware every people about Inclusive and disability awareness. Defining Inclusive Education and its importance. It’s has been defined in a myriad of different ways, According to the Committee Right of Person Disabilities (UN 2016) Inclusive Education means: 

  • A fundamental right to education

  • A principle that values students’ wellbeing, dignity, autonomy, and contribution to society

  • A continuing process to eliminate barriers to education and promote reform in the culture, policy, and practice in schools to include all students.

  1. Build a flexible and accommodative curriculum. With a flexible curriculum, It’s easier to apply Inclusive education, seeing how difficult it is to implement, so we need an easy way to do it. Recognition and respect for individual diversity children. Inclusive schools must provide classroom conditions that are warm, friendly, accept diversity and appreciate difference; must be prepared to manage heterogeneous classes by implementing a curriculum and learning that individual, flexible and dynamic, appropriate with the conditions and needs of children.

  2. Equitable distribution of resources also Funding. In order to succeed in inclusive education, the school needs are bigger than the command needs. The school financial component is a component production that determines the implementation of teaching and learning activities with other components. In other words, Every activity carried out by the school requires a fee. In the context of implementing inclusive education, it is necessary to special funds are allocated, which among others are for the purposes of 

  • Student input identification activities,  

  • Curriculum modification, 

  • Incentives for involved education personnel, 

  • Procurement infrastructure, 

  • Empowerment of community participation, 

  • Implementation of teaching and learning activities

  1. Teachers who are trained inclusive to teach all learners in a diverse classroom. With the great labor, Inclusive Education can be realized easily. Because divergent students in the same place, of course, need more energy than usual. The teacher’s support should be provided to all students to assist and allow them to reach their full potential. Additionally, a strong and supportive leader school it’s the biggest factor for this point. 

  2.  Build a non-discriminatory atmosphere. Inclusive schools must provide educational services to every child without exception.

  3. Environmental Management (School's Relationship with Public) The implementation of inclusive education is not only a government responsibility. Other educational institutions such as the community should always be involved in the framework of advancing education

That’s why inclusive education is important for us. As college students, we have to express, defend, and care about inclusion issues. We can’t let those with ‘special educational needs’ be abandoned without any-action to raise them up.

